Bariatric Surgery Scars

“ Bariatric surgery scars ” describes the scars seen after the procedure in people who have undergone bariatric surgery. The healing time of the wounds and the scars that may be permanent are both personal and vary according to the type and size of the application.

bariatric surgery Scars is one of the issues that are on the minds of those who want to have this surgery. After the surgery, the diet program, some prohibited foods, and surgical scars await the person. Details such as the possible size of these scars, the healing time, and how many of them will not be erased during the person’s life are what patients wonder.

What Causes Bariatric Surgery Scars ?

“ Bariatric surgery Scars are formed as a result of attempts to reach the area during the surgery and to complete the procedure. After this application, which involves the removal of a part of the stomach, an incision must be made and the scars that will occur afterwards are inevitable. different bariatric There are surgical applications and each can create scars differently.

bariatric The most common surgical methods are gastric band, gastric bypass and gastric bypass. is sleeve . Which surgical method will be used and the incisions to be made during the application also vary depending on the patient and other parameters. “ Before ” people who have had surgery and after bariatric surgery scars ” , it can be seen that these scars usually disappear almost completely within a few years.

The scars that will occur after these procedures can be listed as follows;

Bariatric Surgery Scars

Multi-point laparoscopic scars

The most common “ scars ” after bariatric These are the “ surgery ” because this is the most commonly used method of surgery. Four or five incisions are made in the body, and the stomach is reached through these incisions . The incisions are small in size and the scars usually heal quickly.

Single-incision laparoscopic scars

With this technique, a single invisible incision is created in the belly button. It is not possible to apply to all patients and has various surgical difficulties. However, it is widespread today.

Open bariatric surgery Scars

It is the method of performing the surgery by opening the abdominal region. After the surgery performed with this technique, ten to fifteen centimeters of scars are expected to form in the abdomen. The risk of infection is high due to the incision of a large area. Thanks to advances in technology and medicine, it is now an extremely rare procedure.

Scars After Bariatric Surgery

bariatric Surgical procedures require various procedures to be performed by reaching the stomach and other digestive organs. Bariatric to be formed surgery The healing speed of scars largely depends on the size of the incision made during the procedure. In addition to the application technique, depending on the patient’s wound care application and personal healing speed, the wounds may heal in different times and the scars may disappear. The factors affecting the healing speed of scars can be listed as follows;

  • The size of the surgical scar,
  • The method used in the surgery,
  • Stitching technique applied after surgery,
  • Diabetes etc. the presence of diseases that can affect the rate of wound healing,
  • Correct application in wound care,
  • The effectiveness of the products used in wound care,
  • The care given to the patient’s post-operative nutrition and general care.
Bariatric Surgery Scars

Large incisions are not created in operations performed with the laparoscopic method. “ Gastric sleeve scars ” and “ gastric bypass scars ” are therefore usually quite minor and temporary.

Accompanied by the specialist physicians of the field, the most suitable bariatric You can apply to Clinic United to regain your health with the surgical technique. bariatric You can contact Clinics United for detailed information about surgical procedures and our other services .

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