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Man To Female

Gender shift from past to present has been observed frequently in both men and women. Those who cannot or do not want to be able to prevent this inner urge prefer gender reassignment operation today.

This operation, which is carried out using advanced technological equipment, is preferred in many countries of the world today. When the person’s gender at birth and sexual identity are different, it can cause various social problems.

Sex transformation from male to female;


Breast Enlargement; In this process, it starts with hormone treatment, breast augmentation aesthetics is usually also applied.

Genital Reconstruction; These are the processes of creating the clitoris, labia minor, vulva, shortening the urethra, creating the vagina in a way that allows sexual intercourse.

Making the masculine build feminine with facial aesthetics; rhinoplasty, lip and cheek fillings, chin reduction and reduction of Adam’s apples.

Vocal Cord Surgery; It is applied when the voice treatment cannot be spoken in the desired tone.

Before sex transformation surgery, the person’s psychological and physiological condition must be healthy. For this reason, it is generally recommended to receive psychological support.

How the person feels after the sex transformation surgery has also been one of the topics discussed. In this process, the person can get psychological support if necessary. However, since the transition of the person to this surgery is subject to control by psychiatrists before the surgery, no problems are encountered. If necessary, this process can be overcome in a positive way by getting professional support.

How Many Days Do I Have To Stay In The Hospital?


The patient is admitted 24 hours before. After the surgery (which lasts about 4 hours) she will stay at hospital for 5 days and the next day she is discharged.

What Is The Postoperative Period Of Sex Change?


During the 6 months after the surgery, the patient must dilate the vagina once a day for at least 15 minutes.

When Do I Have To Stop Hormonal Medication?


Hormonal therapy should be stopped 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after the intervention, to avoid venous thrombosis problems.

Is Sensitivity And The Ability To Achieve Orgasms Maintained?


According to various studies, more than 85% of the operated ones present orgasms one year after the intervention. Except for complications, the satisfaction index among those operated on is very high.


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