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Hair Transplant For Women

Although mainly men face the problem of hair loss, there are still cases of female alopecia, and if in case of hair problems a man can feel more or less confident, then for a woman it becomes a nightmare. According to statistics, about 25% of patients at hair transplant clinics are women and their number is growing, while it is not necessary that they have problems with hair loss, many just want to lower their hairline, increase hair density over the entire head area, mask bald spots , make eyebrows thicker.

Women have more reasons for hair loss, mainly related to women’s health: the postpartum period, pregnancy, menopause, hormonal imbalance, low-quality cosmetic procedures.

Hair Transplant Methods For Women

Although mainly men face the problem of hair loss, there are still cases of female alopecia, and if in case of hair problems a man can feel less confident, then for a woman it becomes a nightmare. According to statistics, about 25% of patients at hair transplant clinics are women and their number is growing, while it is not necessary that they have problems with hair loss, many just want to lower their hairline, increase hair density over the entire head areas, make eyebrows thicker.

Women have more reasons for hair loss, mainly related to women’s health: the postpartum period, pregnancy, menopause, hormonal imbalance, low-quality cosmetic procedures.

Hair transplant methods for women

Hair transplant is the removal of hair follicles from the back of the head and their implantation into the desired areas, the operation is painless, as it is performed under local anesthesia. The principles of hair transplant for women are practically the same as for men. The difference is that women do not need to completely shave their heads before the procedure. There are 2 methods officially recognized by the world community for hair restoration surgery: FUE and FUT.

FUE is a seamless method, ideal value for money. With the help of micropunch, grafts are taken from the back of the head, which contain from 2 to 4 hairs. Further, canals are formed in the desired transplantation zone, into which the grafts are subsequently implanted. Healing takes 7 days. Allows you to create a natural angle of inclination of the hair and the necessary density.

FUT is a patchwork technique, quite painful, since a piece of skin is taken from the back of the head, which is further divided into grafts. Healing takes a long time and after recovery, scars remain.

Hair transplant for women

How To Get Back Thick Hair?
Lush and shiny hair is not only a sign of health and balanced nutrition, but also a testament to the inner balance of a person. Someone who has less stress and cares about their appearance will have healthy and shiny hair in most cases. But hair loss can happen at any time. The reasons can be hormonal or genetic.


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